We’ve already covered why we believe starting your blog with WordPress is the best way to go, and covered some alternatives in case you decide WordPress isn’t your cup of
In today’s quick post we’re going to elaborate on why having a “self hosted” blog is so important.
3 Reasons Why You Should Self Host Your Blog
Freedom – WordPress has one specific purpose — to be a portal for all your content. When you purchase a hosting plan such as one from BlueHost for example, you’re essentially ensuring that you own all the content you create.
With other alternatives, you’re not always 100 percent in charge of your content, which when you think about it, doesn’t make sense does it? When you run a self hosted blog, you’re calling all the shots.
Hosting your own blog means you’re able to share whatever content you please (with a few extreme examples of course.) Furthermore, it protects you from if your website provider ever goes out business. If that happens with a standard webhost for example, it’s easy switch to a different host.
One great way to think of it is, when you self host you’re choosing a “shopping center” to build your “business” in. There are thousands of shopping centers to choose from, but you’re always free to choose another place if your “hosting” isn’t what you expected it to me.
If you use other platforms such as Weebly and Wix for example, it’s not always easy to change “shopping centers” if you decide to go in a different direction.
Another benefit of self hosting your blog is the flexibility that comes with it. As mentioned, if you ever decide to switch your host, it’s relatively easy to do so. You can check out our tutorial on how to do so here, How to Move Your Host Quick & Easy with Fantasktic
As you grow and scale your blog, things change. Your needs might out grow the current “host” you start with. That’s perfectly okay, and to be expected.
Self hosting, gives you the flexibility to move your “shop” to any other “shopping center” that might better fit your needs.
If you don’t self host, you’ll most likely run into a ton of headaches when / if you ever decide to switch.
Another benefit of self hosting your blog is the “professional” aspect. While many website alternatives now allow custom domains, it’s not always guaranteed.
Let’s say for example you decide to use the free option of WIX to get started. Your domain would then be “www.yourblog.wix.com” doesn’t seem very professional right? While this is just one example, having a self hosting blog means your domain only includes your domain — which is MUCH better for branding purposes.
www.yourblog.com sounds MUCH more professional then, www.yourblog.com/companyname
The truth is, self hosting isn’t expensive at all. All in, the cost isn’t more than 100 dollars or so. If you’re looking take your blog seriously, there’s no excuse as to why you shouldn’t self host your blog.