Whether you’re a seasoned blogger, or just getting started, chances are you’ve heard of the term “lifestyle blog.”
But what exactly is a lifestyle blog? And should you start one?
A lifestyle blog is a unique type of blog that usually has a specific focus or two but also leaves room to talk about a variety of different types of content. It’s generally an open book into the life of the blogger.
Put simply, it’s a blog that doesn’t fit into a specific box. Maybe it’s a travel blog with a personal development touch. Or maybe it’s a fitness blog with a philosophy focus.
A lifestyle blog is anything you want it to be.
For example. Let’s say you’re trying to start a fitness blog. Of course you’ll have a few articles on the best types of workouts. But you might also write about a personal story of how going to the gym helped you improve your depression.
Or maybe you write about travel, and share all the insights you’ve learned from interacting with cultures from all around the world.
Gretchen Rubin turned her blog into several best selling books. On her blog she shares her “experiments in the pursuit of happiness and good habits.”
Chris Guillebeau writes about traveling the world. But he also talks about how to live a life of purpose and his struggle with anxiety.
When I started my blog Impossible, I was fed up with just getting by. I was young and didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. My blog helped me chronicle my journey and I quickly built up a large following. It also helped me level up as a person.
On impossible, I talk about fitness, mindset, and a wide variety of other topics I want to write about. I found success because I was open and honest about the ups and downs of my quest for becoming a better me.
I didn’t pretend I was someone I wasn’t. I didn’t pretend to know all the answers. I just shared the things that were working for me in my life and the things that weren’t. And I stumbled into success.
That’s the power of a lifestyle blog.
One of the most difficult things about starting a blog is knowing what to write about. If you’re like me, you may have dozens of different passions and things you’re interested in, and unfortunately this is where most beginner bloggers get stuck and quit.
They think that what they have to say isn’t interesting, or perhaps they feel like they aren’t good enough.
But the truth is…
No one wants to read another boring blog with the same old information. They want to learn and be inspired by hearing about your unique perspective. Not more cookie cutter BS.
To run a successful blog, you have to be relatable. You have to be willing to share openly and honestly about your journey.
One of the great benefits of writing a lifestyle blog is you don’t have to cater to a specific audience. You can write about what you’re passionate about and build a loyal following. Sure, not everyone one is going to love every single post. That’s okay.
Of course, you still need to provide value. But the more you build trust with your readers the more they come to reader your content for YOU.
If you’re thinking of doing a lifestyle blog the most important thing is to be honest with where you’re at. You may not be a millionaire or retired living off some beach in Thailand!
What matters is you speak your truth and you relate to your audience.
We’re all searching for more freedom, productivity, happiness, and money, which is why a lifestyle design blog is so appealing. If you can share your story to inspire others to live better, you’re going to find success.
The best way to inspire people is to take action in your real life and share your learnings (both the good and bad.)
The benefit of a lifestyle blog is that it allows you to be true to who you are. I don’t mean that in a “woowoo” sense, but rather by setting clear expectations your audience can relate to you as a person.
If you’re honest from the get good about what you’re trying to accomplish and the value you provide, you can quickly build an incredibly large (and loyal) fan base.
As you continue to grow your blog, you may find yourself writing about certain topics more than others. Great! Use your own life as a compass to guide your writing.
Don’t be afraid to share your story, even if it’s not going perfectly.
If you’re stuck searching for the perfect topic, start with designing the life of your dreams…
Then blog about it.